Date sab 07 dicembre 2013 Category tech

If you want to try latest release of Openstack, the free (as in freedom) IaaS software, and enjoy the pleasure of an ansible-powered deploy, you could try the havana branch of the quantum-ansible project. In about 15 minutes you will have a three node openstack architecture (Neuron and Cinder included) ready to play with.

You need on your workstation git, ansible, vagrant and virtualbox and you need to have the precise64 vagrant image:

vagrant box add precise64

Now clone the repository and let the magic happen:

git clone
cd quantum-ansible
git checkout havana

The main script install-openstack is divided in two main part:

  1. create three vagrant machines: the controller node (controller), the network node (netnode) and a compute node (compute1). The default Vagrantfile reserve 1200MB RAM for the contoller, 512M for the network and 1024 MB for the compute so you need to have at least 3GB ram. You could try to play with the memory allocated to every node by modify Vagranfile, but they are quite reasonable; a possible change is to lower the ram for the compute node from 1024 to 512 but then you could not be able to launch micro instances but you could need to create a custom instance with lower RAM (for example a supermicro instance with 256M)

    cd vms
    vagrant up controller
    vagrant up netnode
    vagrant up compute1
  2. prepare them with a series of ansible playbook, following the official Openstack installation guide for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:

    ansible-playbook -v --timeout 30 openstack.yaml

If you receive some vagrant error about ssh on the start of the playbook process, restrict permission of vagrant_private_key to 600 (default are 644).

Follow the openstack deploy thanks to the ansible output and in about 15 minute you will ready to access the openstack dashboard (user:admin, password:secrete) at and start to play with the open source cloud.